The Middle-game (story)
“Hey man, you are the best thing ever happened in my life..” Take care of him, never hurt him… and never let him get hurt.. “He is my brother, never ever dare to touch him.. “ “yes I kill her… i am the killer..” “Feed your mind with positive thoughts” Feed with what. That was the question hanging in front of him on the week thread of emotion and intelligence.. The thread was made of both.. it was so delicate .. Voices where all around.. it was shouts, vibrating.. Shivering.. full of love.. passion… Vengeance.. But blood is thicker than water. But love is neither blood, nor water.. it was far beyond.. Sounds, faces… music is also disturbing… penetrating through brain … He was the man…. And the man in front of him on his knees is his brother… The man is pointing the gun on brother head.. the dead end.. Emotions are smashing him from both sides. Just like Playing chess by himself.. Moving both sides by himself.. Winner and loser wi...